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12G-SDI Director Monitors
12G-SDI Director Monitors
Автомобільні магнітоли Android преміум-класу
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Lilliput BM150-12G - 15.6 inch carry on 12G-SDI Broadcast director monitor

Бренд: Lilliput Electronics

Lilliput BM150-12G is one model of LILLIPUT 4K broadcast monitors BM-12G series. The 15.6 inch director monitor features 3840×2160 4K native resolution and 1000:1 contrast, providing excellent viewing experience for users. It supports 12G-SDI inputs and loop outputs with backward compatibility as well as supports 4K HDMI up to 4K 60Hz singal inputs. Multiple view can be slipped from different signals simultaneously, such as 12G-SDI, 3G-SDI and HDMI. It comes with a carry-on case and a 6U rackmount also provides users more mount types for barodcast, one-stie monitoring and live broadcast van.

Model: BM150-12G
Physical resolution: 3840 x 2160
12G-SDI interface: Support single / dual / quad-link 12G SDI signal
SFP interface: Support 12G SFP signal
HDMI 2.0 interface: Support 4K HDMI signal

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15.6 inch carry on 12G-SDI Broadcast director monitor15.6 inch carry on 12G-SDI Broadcast director monitor15.6 inch carry on 12G-SDI Broadcast director monitor15.6 inch carry on 12G-SDI Broadcast director monitor15.6 inch carry on 12G-SDI Broadcast director monitor15.6 inch carry on 12G-SDI Broadcast director monitor15.6 inch carry on 12G-SDI Broadcast director monitor15.6 inch carry on 12G-SDI Broadcast director monitor

Lilliput BM150-12G-SDI 4K HDMI Single-Link 
Comply with standards ST2081-10(1x6G-SDI), ST2082-10(1x12G-SDI) Resolution 3840 x 2160 
SDI Compatibility The BM-12G monitor saries support 12G-SDI single-link signal input and loop output, and backward compatible with 6G-SDI, 3G-SDI, HD-SDI input signals

12G-SDI 4K Dual-Link Comply with standards ST2081-11(2x6G-SDI), ST425-3(2x3G-SDI)
SDI Compatibility The BM-12G monitor saries support 2x6G-SDI dual-link signal input and loop output, and backward compatible with 2x3G-SDI and 2xHD-SDI  input signals

12G-SDI 4K Quad-Link Comply with standards ST425-3(4xHD-SDI), ST425-5(4x3G-SDI)
Square Division(4K mode) Each link contains one square of the original image.
2 Sample interleave (4K mode) Each link contains a full image at 1/4 resolution.

SDI equalization & re-clocking
The purpose of the eye waveform is to measure the quality of the SDI input signal. So the SDI equalization & re-clocking function ensures the transmission quality and effect of eye pattern.

4K HDMI Signal Inputs Matches with world-famous 4K/FHD camera brands, to assist cameraman in better photography experience.

4K HDMI Formats:
 HDMI 2.0 supports 4K 60Hz signal input.
 HDMI 1.4 supports 4K 30Hz signal input.

Multiple Views Display It supports Quad View with 4xHDMI or 1xSDI (including 12G/6G/3G...) and 3xHDMI. Also sopports Picture-in-Picture function.

Camera Auxiliary Functions Plenty of auxiliary functions for taking photos and making movies, such as peaking, false color and audio level meter.

6U Rack Mount BM150-12G Intelligent SDI Monitoring
It has a various of mounting methods for broadcast, on-site monitoring and live broadcast van, etc. As well as setup a video wall of rack monitors in control room and see all the scenes. A 6U rack for a customized monitoring solution also can be supported for viewing from different angles and images displays.

Tally port and Tally description.

SDI inputs and loop outputs
 12G-SDI input x 2, loop output x 2 It suppor single-ink signal inputs and loop outputs, and backward compatible with 6G-SDI, 3G-SDI, HD-SDI input signals.
 3G-SDI input x 2, loop output x 2 It supports 3G-SDI signal input and loop output, and backward compatible with HD-SDI input signals.

4K HDMI inputs 1: HDMI 2.0 supports 4K 60HZ,  2,3,4: HDMI 1.4 supports 4K 30HZ

  XLR DC power: connects 15V DC power supply
  Power switch: alternative for battery or DC power

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Lilliput Electronics

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