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Lilliput UM-70/C/T - 7 inch USB Monitor

Бренд: Lilliput Electronics

Lilliput UM-70/C/T Only one USB cable is required for signal and power supply.

Model: UM-70/C/T
Touch panel: 4-Wire Resistive
Display: 7 inch, 800 × 480, 250nit
Interface: USB

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Note:   The Lilliput UM-70/C without touch function,

           The Lilliput UM-70/C/T with touch function.

One cable does it all! Innovation USB-only connection-add monitors without adding clutter!
A USB Powered Touch Screen Monitor as Multiple Input/Output Device for Video Conference, Instant Messaging, News, Office applications, Game map or toolboxs, Photo Frame and Stock Casting, etc.

How to use it?

  • Installing Monitor Driver (AutoRun);
  • Click on display setting icon on system tray and see the menu;
  • Setup menu for Screen Resolution, Colors, Rotation and Extension, etc.
  • Monitor Driver supports OS: Windows 2000 SP4/XP SP2/Vista 32bit/Win7 32bit

What can you do with it? UM-70/C/T has thousands of useful and fun applications: keep your main display clutter free, park your Instant Messaging windows, keep your application palettes on it, use it as a digital picture frame, as a dedicated stock ticker display, put your gaming maps on it.
UM-70/C/T is great for use with a small laptop or netbook because of its light weight and single USB connection, it can travel with your laptop, no power brick needed!

General Productivity Outlook/Mail, Calendar or Address Book applications up all the time View Widgets for To-do’s, Weather, Stock Tickers, Dictionary, Thesaurus, etc.
Track System Performance, Monitor Network Traffic, CPU cycles;

Entertainment Have your media player up to control entertainment Quick access to important toolboxes for online gaming. Use it as a secondary display for computers, hooked up to TVs Run a 2nd or 3rd display without the need for a new graphics card;

Social SKYPE / Google / MSN Chat while using other full screen applications Watch for Friends on Facebook and MySpace Keep your Twitter Client up all the time but off your main work screen;

Creative Park your Adobe Creative Suite application toolbars or control Powerpoint: keep your formatting palettes, colors, etc. on a separate screen;

Business (Retail, Healthcare, Finance) Integrated into point-of-purchase or point-of-registration process. Cost-effective method to have multiple consumers/customers register, enter information, and authenticate. Use one computer for multiple users (with virtualization software – not included);

Shopping Monitor online auctions

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Lilliput Electronics

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