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Lilliput 667/S - 7″ 3G-SDI Monitor

Бренд: Lilliput Electronics

The Lilliput 667/S is a 7 inch 16:9 LED field monitor with 3G-SDI, HDMI, component, and composite video inputs.

Model: 667/S
Physical Resolution: 800 × 480, support up to 1920 × 1080
Input: 3G-SDI, HDMI, YPbPr, Video, Audio
Output: 3G-SDI
Brightness: 450nits

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The Lilliput 667/S is a 7 inch 16:9 LED field monitor with 3G-SDI, HDMI, component, and composite video inputs.

7 inch monitor with wide screen aspect ratio Whether you’re shooting still or video with your DSLR, sometimes you need a bigger screen than the tiny monitor built into your camera. The 7 inch screen gives directors and camera men a larger view finder, and the 16:9 aspect ratio complements HD resolutions.

Designed for the pro video market Cameras, lenses, tripods and lights are all expensive – but your field monitor doesn’t have to be. Lilliput are famous for manufacturing durable and high quality hardware, at a fraction of the cost of competitors. With the majority of DSLR cameras supporting HDMI output, it is likely your camera is compatible with the 667. The 667 is supplied with all the accessories you need – shoe mount adapter, sun hood, HDMI cable and remote control, saving you a great deal in accessories alone.

High contrast ratio Professional camera crews and photographers require accurate colour representation on their field monitor, and the 667 provides just that. The LED backlit, matte display has a 500:1 colour contrast ratio so colours are rich and vibrant, and the matte display prevents any unnecessary glare or reflection.

Enhanced brightness, great outdoor performance The 667/S is one of the Lilliput’s brightest monitor. The enhanced 450 cd/㎡ backlight produces a crystal clear picture and shows colours vividly. Importantly, the enhanced brightness prevents the video content from looking ‘washed out’ when the monitor is used under sun light. The addition of the inclusive sun hood (supplied with all 667 units, also detachable), the Lilliput 667/S ensures a perfect picture both indoors and outdoors.

Battery plates included The key difference between the 667/S and the 668 is the battery solution. Whereas the 668 includes an internal battery, the 667 includes battery plates which are compatible with F970, QM91D, DU21, LP-E6 batteries.

3G-SDI, HDMI, and component and composite through BNC connectors No matter which camera or AV equipment our customers use with the 667, there is a video input to suit all applications.

Most DSLR & Full HD Camcorder ship with an HDMI output, but larger production cameras output HD component and regular composite through BNC connectors. 

Shoe mount adapter included The 667/S is truly a complete field monitor package – in the box you will also find a shoe mount adapter.
There are also a quarter inch Standard Whitworth threads on the 667/S; one on the bottom and two on the both side, so the monitor can easily be mounted on a tripod or camera rig.

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Lilliput Electronics

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